IT Cleaner

Twenty & Twenty maintenance of the computer is understood as the set of activities that are required to be carried out periodically to keep the computer in an optimal state of operation, and to be able to detect in time any indication of failures or damage to its components.

There is an important difference between maintenance and troubleshooting computer equipment; Our objective in this edition is that, in our role of users of a team, we carry out maintenance tasks and leave only the second to the technicians, because more specialized knowledge is needed for this.

In general, for an effective operation of the equipment certain environmental conditions are required that must be controlled and maintained within certain parameters. They include a clean, bright work environment with enough space. The computer can never be exposed to water or excessive humidity. Take care of very high temperatures and the incidence of sunlight directly. The care with the equipment itself is almost always limited to keeping it free of dust and dirt both externally and internally. Avoid blows as much as possible. And consider that whenever the equipment and its peripherals have to be moved or cleaned, it must be turned off and the electric power cables disconnected.

Why should it be cleaned?

The environment surrounding the computer finds a dust magnet in it; next to the humidity, for example, the dust can be a magnificent electrical conductor, which can cause small failures in the electronic components of the equipment, likewise, the accumulated dust reduces the efficiency of the cooling fans and can act as an insulating mantle that conserves heat and does not allow the irradiation of it to move away from the components. It can also cause clogging, degradation of speed or noise of mechanical components.

The reasons why a computer gets dirty are mainly dust suspended in the environment, static electricity, heat, humidity, an inappropriate location such as the kitchen or even a place by a window.

The places of greatest accumulation of dust inside the cabinets are generally the fans, because in addition to conducting the dusty air they generally secrete lubricating particles that, when mixed with the dust, create a solid layer of dirt.